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Corporate Wellness 

  • Jasmine is a dynamic speaker at corporate lunch & learns, conferences, and wellness events all over the country.

  • Presentations are informative, interactive, & engaging

  • Customized Presentations for each audience so they walk away with practical solutions to improve their health.

  • Encouraging group discussions between executives & managers learning new ways to incorporate health & wellness into the workplaces

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Why workplace wellness matters



  • Healthcare Costs (for both employer & EE)

  • Absenteeism (due to health/stress related concerns)

  • Accidents on the Job



  • Employee Overall Health status (Including management of chronic conditions)

  • Office/Team Moral

  • Employee Job Satisfaction



  • Employee & team Productivity

  • Recruitment Potential

  • Overall Business Sales

Sample Presentation Topics

  • The 3 Keys to Healthy Living

  • 5 Common Nutrition Myths Debunked

  • How to Develop Healthy Sleep Habits

  • How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

  • How to Fit Consistent Exercise into Your Daily Life

  •  Stress Management for Busy Executives 

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