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  • Writer's pictureAudacity

Dancing for Wellness

In the western world we have been taught that dance is an art form usually associated with level of training. While we do give credit to the dancers of the world that have spent their time learning and mastering a variety of dance styles; I want you to know that dance can be anything you want and need it to be.

From Tik Tok to line dancing and beyond we can expand our minds of what dance is and how it serves us. Today I implore you to look at dance in a different light.

Webster's Dictionary defines dance as both a verb and a noun.

-to move one's body rhythmically usually to music:

to engage in or perform a dance

-an act or instance of moving one's body rhythmically usually to music:

an act or instance of dancing.

Have you ever stopped to think about what dance can do for you? What are the benefits? The benefits of dance are so rich that we should all practice a form of it.

  • Physical Benefits- dance will help develop muscles, tone the body, improve circulation, improve posture, balance, coordination and promote greater flexibility. Movement of any kind helps your cardiovascular health.

  • Mental Benefits- dance movement can assist you in the department of producing a more balanced, focused, and creative mindset. Key things that allow us to calm bogged minds in the world we live in today.

  • Social Benefits- It has also been known to improve sensitivity, understanding, appreciation, and consideration for others, both for their similarities and differences.

  • Learning Benefits- Did you know that your brain produces a neuro-chemical called endorphins. This chemical causes a feeling of energy and makes the brain more conducive to learning.

Dance goes back for centuries. There are a vast amount of art/dance forms to explore. Pick a country and try something new or something familiar.

Get out! Socialize! Learn something new about yourself.

If you are still warming up to the idea checkout YouTube or

contact your community recreation center; they may hold classes in which you can try out a class for FREE.

Remember you only have one self, one body, one mind. Have fun taking care of it!

Photo credit: Gift Habeshaw

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