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3 Reasons why Workplace Wellness Matters

Updated: Mar 10

1.) Stress Reduction

Workplace stress is responsible for up to $190 billion in annual healthcare costs. This is a hefty cost for both employers and the employees. Employees stress can be reduced by implementing and creating a culture of breaks and meditation practice. This can look differently for different companies and employees, the main goal is to introduce and create a safe space in the workplace. There are also tools, apps and online resources that can help the staff have helpful resources at their fingertips and from the comfort of their own homes. Apps like Calm, or Headspace are great beginning options. in addition bringing out speakers who can also speak directly to the research and statistics of stress management can have a profound long-lasting impact.

2.) Company Savings

Each dollar spent by companies on corporate health and wellness programing results in an average savings of $3.27 million in healthcare costs and $2.73 million in lower absenteeism related to health concerns.

3.) Employee Health & Productivity

When employees at high risk of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease exercise just 30 minutes 3 times a week, their health care costs (including prescriptions and office visits) drop to the same level as those of healthy employees. Consistent weekly exercise also increases energy level and helps to maintain better quality sleep patterns.

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